    Kśiega gości

- Pretty Fly
- All I want
- Club me
- Baghdad
- Self esteem
- Gone Away
- I Choose
- I'll be waiting
- Come Out & Play
- Gotta Get Away
- The Meaning of life

- The Kids Aren't

- Why Don't You
Get A Job?

- A Piece of

  1. Jennifer lost the war [Real Audio]
  2. Elders [Real Audio]
  3. Out on patrol [Real Audio]
  4. Crossroads [Real Audio]
  5. Demons [Real Audio]
  6. Beheaded [Real Audio] [ mp3 ]
  7. Tehran [Real Audio]
  8. A thousand days [Real Audio]
  9. Black ball [Real Audio]
  10. I'll be waiting [Real Audio]
  11. Kill the president [Real Audio]

"The Offspring"
Jest to pierwsza płyta zespołu która została wydana w 1989 r.

Jest to druga płyta zespołu która została wydana w 1992 r.
  1. Session [Real Audio]
  2. We are one [Real Audio]
  3. Kick him when he's down [Real Audio]
  4. Take it like a man [Real Audio]
  5. Get it right [Real Audio]
  6. Dirty magic [Real Audio]
  7. Hypodermic [Real Audio]
  8. Burn it up [Real Audio]
  9. No hero [Real Audio]
  10. l.a.p.d [Real Audio]
  11. Nothing from something
  12. Forever and a day [Real Audio]
  1. Nitro (youth energy) [Real Audio]
  2. Bad habit [Real Audio]
  3. Gotta get away [Real Audio]
  4. Genocide [Real Audio]
  5. Something to believe in [Real Audio]
  6. Come out and play [Real Audio]
  7. Self esteem [Real Audio]
  8. It'll be a long time [Real Audio]
  9. Killboy powerhead [Real Audio]
  10. What happened to you [Real Audio]
  11. So alone [Real Audio]
  12. Not the one [Real Audio]
  13. Smash [Real Audio]

Jest to trzecia płyta zespołu która została wydana w 1994 r.

"Ixnay on the hombre"
Jest to czwarta płyta zespołu która została wydana w 1997 r.
  1. Disclaimer
  2. The meaning of life [Real Audio]
  3. Mota [Real Audio]
  4. Me & my old lady [Real Audio]
  5. Cool to hate [Real Audio]
  6. Leave it behind [Real Audio]
  7. Gone away [Real Audio]
  8. I choose [Real Audio]
  9. Intermission
  10. All i want [Real Audio]
  11. Way down the line [Real Audio]
  12. Don't pick it up [Real Audio]
  13. Amazed [Real Audio]
  14. Change the world [Real Audio]

  1. Welcome
  2. Have you ever
  3. Staring at the sun
  4. Pretty fly (for a white guy)
  5. The kids aren't alright
  6. Feelings
  7. She's got issues
  8. Walla walla
  9. The end of the line
  10. No brakes
  11. Why don't you get a job
  12. Americana
  13. Pay the man

Jest to piąta płyta zespołu która została wydana w 1998 r.

"Conspiracy Of One"
Jest to szósta płyta zespołu która zostala wydana w 2000 r.
  1. Come Out Swinging [ mp3 ]
  2. Original Prankster [ mp3 ]
  3. Want You Bad [ mp3 ]
  4. Million Miles Away [ mp3 ]
  5. Dammit, I Changed Again [ mp3 ]
  6. Living In Chaos [ mp3 ]
  7. Special Delivery [ mp3 ]
  8. One Fine Day [ mp3 ]
  9. All Along [ mp3 ]
  10. Denial, Revisited [ mp3 ]
  11. Vultures [ mp3 ]
  12. Conspiracy Of One [ mp3 ]
Która to Twoja ulubiona płyta?

The Offspring
Ixnay on the hombre

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Nieoficjalna, polska strona grupy The Offspring.
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© 1999-2000 by Alki